
Welcome to our Preschool, Depok Montessori School

Where Lifetime Learning Begins!


10 Benefit montessori school

1.      Focuses on Key Developmental Stages

2.     Encourages Cooperative Play

3.     Learning Is Child-Centered

4.     Children Naturally Learn Self-Discipline

5.     Classroom Environment Teaches Order

6.     Teacher Facilitate the learning Experience

7.     Learning Method Inspires Creativity

8.     May be More effective in Developing Certain Skills

9.     Sistem is highly individualized to each student

10.  Curriculum focused on hands – on – learning

Hanya orang tualah yang paling mengerti sekolah mana yang paling tepat untuk putra putrinya. Kabar baik hari ini adalah bahwa metode Montessori menawarkan penelitian dan bukti – bukti pendukung tekniknya. Jika anda sedang mempertimbangkan sekolah montessori untuk anak anak anda silahkan baca 10 manfaat filsafat pendidikan montessori

1.    Fokus pada Kunci Tahapan Perkembangan

Kurikulum Montessori berfokus pada  perkembangan penting pada anak-anak  usia  dini. Anak-anak akan  mengasah kemampuan motorik kasarnya dan kemampuan bahasa.  Anak usia empat tahun mengembangankan  keterampilan motorik halus dan menyelesaikan kegiatan sehari-hari , seperti memasak , seni dan kerajinan. Sehingga  anak-anak usia dini  memperluas pengalaman mereka dalam belajar untuk berkontribusi dalam komunitas mereka, melalui tahapan pembelajaran yang menyenangkan.

2.    Mendorong Bermain untuk dapat bekerja dalam tim.

 Guru akan menciptakan suasana kelas yang menyenangkan, dan memandu kegiatan siswa sepanjang hari. Hal ini mendorong anak-anak untuk berbagi dan bekerja sama untuk mengeksplorasi berbagai hal di kelas Montessori. Anak-anak di kelas Montessori,  belajar untuk menghargai satu sama lain dan membangun rasa komunitas dalam lingkungan mereka

3.    Belajar yang berpusat pada anak

Siswa sekolah Montessori  menikmati kelas dan kurikulum yang dirancang  sesuai kebutuhan spesifik mereka dan kemampuan yang memungkinkan mereka untuk mengeksplorasi sumber belajar, belajar sesuai  kecepatan mereka sendiri dan dengan cara mereka sendiri.Segala sesuatu  berada dalam jangkauan anak. Selain itu, anak yang lebih tua dapat bekerjasama dengan anak  yang lebih muda, sehingga teman yang lebih tua bisa bertindak sebagai mentor bagi yang lebih muda, seperti halnya  guru  di kelas.

4.    Belajar Disiplin Diri

Sedangkan  Metode Montessori memungkinkan anak-anak untuk memilih kegiatan yang mereka inginkan dan  bekerja dengan senang, dan berapa lama mereka akan bekerja pada tugas tertentu, ada “aturan dasar” khusus untuk kelas yang secara konsisten ditegakkan oleh guru dan siswa.Lingkungan ini secara alami mengajarkan anak disiplin diri, dan menguatkan  keterampilan penting seperti konsentrasi, kontrol diri dan motivasi.

5.    Suasana Kelas Menyenangkan.

Semua benda dan kegiatan memiliki lokasi yang tepat di kelas Montessori. Ketika anak selesai dengan suatu kegiatan, mereka menempatkan barang-barang kembali ke tempat yang sesuai. Ini merupakan suatu keteraturan yang membantu memfasilitasi proses belajar, mengajarkan disiplin diri, dan melayani kebutuhan batin  anak untuk lingkungan yang tertib. Ketika anak-anak bekerja dan bermain di daerah yang rapi dan dapat diprediksi, mereka dapat melepaskan kreativitas mereka dan fokus sepenuhnya pada proses pembelajaran.

6. Guru Memfasilitasi Pengalaman Belajar

Guru di kelas Montessori  memfasilitasi pengalaman belajar bagi siswa – siswi. Guru memimpin  anak-anak di kelas, memastikan aturan-aturan dasar yang diikuti, dan mendorong siswa untuk melakukan tugas-tugas dengan langkah mereka sendiri. Namun, guru tidak menentukan kecepatan kelas, tetapi kecepatan  kelas akan ditentukan oleh keunikan masing – masing  siswa.

7. Metode Pembelajaran  yang Menginspirasi Kreativitas.

 Karena anak-anak diperbolehkan untuk memilih kegiatan mereka dan bekerja pada kecepatan  mereka sendiri, maka kreativitas dalam kelas akan terdorong. Anak-anak mengerjakan pekerjaannya dengan suka cita, bukan  hanya  hasil akhir yang hendak diraih, tetapi  memungkinkan  mereka untuk lebih fokus pada proses daripada hasil –inilah  jalur alami untuk kreativitas. Paparan berbagai budaya juga mendorong anak-anak untuk memperluas pemikiran mereka tentang dunia dan mengatasi konsep-konsep dalam berbagai cara pandang.

8.     Lebih Efektif dalam Mengembangkan  Keterampilan tertentu

 Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Dr Angeline Lillard, seorang profesor psikologi dari University of Virginia di Charlottesville, meneliti kemampuan anak-anak yang telah diajarkan di sekolah Montessori. Diterbitkan pada tahun 2006 dalam jurnal Science, penelitian mempelajari siswa Montessori di Wisconsin dan menemukan bahwa lima-tahun di kelas Montessori memiliki matematika yang lebih tinggi dan keterampilan membaca daripada rekan-rekan mereka di sekolah umum. Selain itu, studi ini dibandingkan 12 tahun siswa Montessori dan non-Montessori. Keterampilan sosial tampaknya lebih tinggi pada siswa Montessori pada usia ini.

9.    Sistem individual untuk setiap siswa.

 Siswa dalam program Montessori diperbolehkan untuk mengeksplorasi kegiatan dan konsep dengan langkah  mereka sendiri. Hal ini secara alami mendorong anak untuk mencoba daerah yang lebih menantang, yang mempercepat pengalaman  belajar mereka. Belajar terjadi pada kecepatan yang nyaman  untuk setiap siswa, karena tidak ada penyeragaman langkah sesuai kehendak guru.

10.   Kurikulum Berfokus pada Hands-On Learning

 Salah satu manfaat terbesar dari Metode Montessori, terutama selama pengalaman belajar awal, adalah fokus pada tangan dalam belajarnya. Penekanannya adalah  pada fondasi belajar , bukan belajar abstrak,  siswa akan bekerja pada kegiatan yang mengajarkan bahasa, matematika, budaya dan pelajaran kehidupan praktis. Guru mendorong siswa untuk berkonsentrasi pada tugas-tugas, dan  mencegah siswa  mengganggu satu sama lain, sehingga memungkinkan siswa untuk fokus pada kegiatan sampai mereka benar-benar kuasai.

Ada banyak potensi manfaat dari sekolah  Montessori untuk anak-anak  dalam proses pendidikan. Tahun-tahun awal penting untuk mempersiapkan siswa bagi pengalaman belajar yang akan datang, apakah  mereka melanjutkan Metode Montessori atau pindah ke lingkungan kelas publik di masa depan.

The child can only develop by means of experience in his environment. We call such experience work.”

– Dr. Maria Montessori

Our program features Montessori materials and activities including:

  • Weekly music and phonics based instruction
  • Field trips
  • Annual parties
  • Year-end special graduation ceremony for all children
  • Daily gross motor activities

 piter+bufitri dikelas

 progressive Montessori  environment

Kami menghormati dan mendukung setiap keluarga siswa, budaya , keyakinan dan yakin bahwa dengan kemitraan dengan orang tua, kita dapat memperkaya wawasan kehidupan anak-anak.

Ini adalah keyakinan kami bahwa guru merupakan faktor kunci dalam menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang positif,  di mana anak-anak mengembangkan perkembangan sosial, emosional, kognitif, akademik dan fisik. 

The Montessori preschool classroom for ages 2.8 through 6 years old is a “living room” for children. Children choose their work from among the self-correcting materials displayed , and they work in specific work areas. Over a period of time, the children develop into a “normalized community,” working with high concentration and few interruptions. Normalization is the process whereby a child moves from being undisciplined to self-disciplined, from disordered to ordered, from distracted to focused, through work in the environment. The process occurs though repeated work with materials that captivate the child’s attention. For some children this inner change may take place quite suddenly, leading to deep concentration. In the Montessori preschool, academic competency is a means to an end, and the manipulatives are viewed as “materials for development.”

In the Montessori preschool environment, five distinct areas constitute the prepared environment:

  • Practical Life enhances the development of task organization and cognitive order through care of self, care of the environment, exercises of grace and courtesy, and coordination of physical movement.
  • The Sensorial area enables the child to order, classify, and describe sensory impressions in relation to length, width, temperature, mass, color, pitch, etc.
  • Mathematics makes use of manipulative materials to enable the child to internalize concepts of number, symbol, sequence, operations, and memorization of basic facts.
  • Language Arts includes oral language development, written expression, reading, the study of grammar, creative dramatics, and children’s literature. Basic skills in writing and reading are developed through the use of sandpaper letters, alphabet cut-outs, and various presentations allowing children to link sounds and letter symbols effortlessly and to express their thoughts through writing.
  • Cultural Activities expose the child to basics in geography, history, and life sciences. Music, art, and movement education are part of the integrated cultural curriculum.


Keuntungan program Montessori

Montessori education offers our children opportunities to develop their potential as they step out into the world as engaged, competent, responsible, and respectful citizens with an understanding and appreciation that learning is for life.

  • Each child is valued as a unique individual. Montessori education recognizes that children learn in different ways, and accommodates all learning styles. Students are also free to learn at their own pace, each advancing through the curriculum as he is ready, guided by the teacher and an individualized learning plan.
  • Beginning at an early age, Montessori students develop order, coordination, concentration, and independence. Classroom design, materials, and daily routines support the individual’s emerging “self-regulation” (ability to educate one’s self, and to think about what one is learning), toddlers through adolescents.
  • Students are part of a close, caring community. The multi-age classroom—typically spanning 3 years—re-creates a family structure. Older students enjoy stature as mentors and role models; younger children feel supported and gain confidence about the challenges ahead. Teachers model respect, loving kindness, and a belief in peaceful conflict resolution.
  • Montessori students enjoy freedom within limits Working within parameters set by their teachers, students are active participants in deciding what their focus of learning will be. Montessorians understand that internal satisfaction drives the child’s curiosity and interest and results in joyous learning that is sustainable over a lifetime.
  • Students are supported in becoming active seekers of knowledge. Teachers provide environments where students have the freedom and the tools to pursue answers to their own questions.
  • Self-correction and self-assessment are an integral part of the Montessori classroom approach.As they mature, students learn to look critically at their work, and become adept at recognizing, correcting, and learning from their errors.


Pre school Montessori Curriculum

We at Depok Montessori believe that any kind of group child care will not work without cooperation between the caregivers and the parents. Parental involvement is stressed; parents know their child better than anyone else. Parents and caregivers must feel comfortable exchanging knowledge and experiences about the child.

Goals and Objectives

The main objective of Depok  Montessori School  is to provide a carefully planned, stimulating environment which will help children develop within themselves the foundational habits, attitudes, skills and ideas which are essential for a lifetime of creative thinking and learning.

The specific goals for the children who attend the School are:

  • Menumbuhkan sikap positip terhadap belajar.
  • Menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri dan penghargaan pada diri sendiri
  • Menumbuhkan sikap sebagai pembelajar seumur hidup
  • Menumbuhkan dan mempercepat rasa ingin tahu yang besar
  • Menumbuhkan sikap inisiatif dan berani menghadapi tantangan
  • Menumbuhkan sikap disiplin diri
  • Mengembangkan kemampuan sensory motor skills
  • Mengembangkan kecerdasan sosial
  • Mengetahui bakat terbaik yang akan di gunakan selama hidup
  • Membantu mengembangkan cita -cita yang tinggi.

 “The education of even a small child, therefore, does not aim at preparing him for school, but for life.”(DR Montessori)

The theory behind Montessori education is simple.  Children want to learn.  From birth to three, the child lives in what appears to be a chaotic world.  He or she gradually establishes order by learning to distinguish the senses.

From three to six, the child passes through sensitive periods, awakening as an individual and revealing surprising mental agility and an intense, almost passionate interest in the world.  The child loves to learn new words and is interested in orderliness and good manners – not as a game, but as a representation of the adult world toward which he or she is moving.  These sensitive periods come from an inner need to acquire and master skills that are especially necessary.  If not allowed to follow this natural curiosity and need to know, the child can lose interest in exploring and discovering his or her environment.

The Preschool is a community in which children live and work cooperatively.  “The Prepared Environment,” from scaled furniture and cleaning utensils to special Montessori apparatus, is essential to a Montessori education.

The special environment offers a means (time, place and circumstance) by which the children can develop to their potential according to their individual needs, based upon Dr. Montessori’s observations and recommendations for all children.

The Montessori apparatus is designed scientifically to provide opportunities for the child to explore concrete examples of abstract ideas.  It is self-correcting, allowing the children to develop their senses and discover concepts under the guidance of a skilled Montessori teacher.


With close guidance from our teachers, a child attending our school will be exposed to this method which promotes the development of the whole child, facilitates the growth of inner discipline and cultivates the child’s own natural joy in learning.

If you visit a Montessori classroom, you will find many things the same as a traditional preschool classroom. You will also find differences. Some differences will be because of the culture of the area. There may be other differences because of the interpretation of Montessori’s methods.

Montessori was possibly the first person to create an environment especially for small children. Her schools were eventually referred to as “children’s houses” partially because she created child sized furniture and kept materials where children could reach them on low shelves.

Children in a Montessori classroom are still encouraged to clean tables prepare their own snacks, sweep floors and put everything away when they are done. Children who are confident that they can take care of their environment and take care of their own needs develop self esteem.

The curriculum in a Montessori school will include life skills, math, language arts, music, art, natural science, library and usually geography and history as they relate to the child. Maria Montessori created some basic materials still used in Montessori preschools today. She felt that the best way for children to learn was to manipulate materials (hands-on activities). Most of her materials were created so that they had a built in element to help children self-check their work.

Instead of teacher, the adult/adults in the classroom are called directress or guide. These adults have been trained in Montessori methods. The job of these adults is to facilitate learning. The children choose what materials they want to work with. They are allowed to work with those materials until they are satisfied that they have mastered a particular skill. The directress does not work with large groups of children but works with individuals or small groups as she sees the need.

a Montessori classroom unique is the fact that classrooms are set up in multi-age groups. Children in preschool are often three years to six years old. The advantages of a mixed age group are many.

The younger children learn from the older children –  sometimes they learn by watching the older children at work, and sometimes the older children actually teach the younger children how to do something. Both the older children and the younger children have an advantage while working in a peer tutor relationship.

Children are always allowed to work on skills at whatever developmental level suits them. Therefore a three year-old who is ready to read might be working on reading right along with the four and five year-olds. An older child who has not mastered all of the skills typical of children his own age has an opportunity to learn the materials in his present environment.

Teachers also have an opportunity to get to know the families of the children in their care. They are usually aware of family values and traumatic events in the lives of their children. They have plenty of time to become familiar with the child’s culture and traditions. They have time to tune in to what learning style works best for each child.


There are many aspects of a Montessori school that meet standards of quality for early childhood programs :

  • Pembelajaran yang berpusat pada anak
  • Saling menghormati antara orang dewasa dan anak
  • Program yang ramah pada keluarga
  • Hands-on child activities
  • Motivasi belajar yang tumbuh dari dalam diri sendiri
  • Memberi kesempatan pada anak anak untuk belajar bersosialisasi pada kelompok – kelompok kecil.
  • “Freedom within limits”


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